

Content Disclaimer

The content on The Duffy Agency website is provided for general informational purposes only, and may be used only as such. The information contained on this website does not constitute advice. All content and information contained on this website may at any time be changed or updated without notice.

The Duffy Agency attempts to provide content that is entirely correct, complete and up-to-date. However, we give no warranty or assurance regarding the timeliness, accuracy or applicability of any of the content. We accept no responsibility for and exclude all liability in connection with any aspect of this website, including but not limited to any liability for mistakes, inaccuracy, omissions, misleading statements or defamatory statements.

It is specifically understood by visitors that this website is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. In addition, visitors to this website hereby understand that liability is specifically excluded for any claims, losses, demands or damages of any kind whatsoever with regard to any information, content or services provided at The Duffy Agency website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damages, compensatory damages, loss of profits, loss of data or otherwise.

No Attorney-Client Relationship

It is specifically understood by visitors that the use of the The Duffy Agency website and all information, content or services provided at the website, including all email communications, do not constitute the expression of legal advice nor the practice of law and will not create a confidential or attorney-client relationship. If an email is sent to The Duffy Agency and its staff, this email will not create an attorney-client relationship and will not be treated as privileged or confidential. Visitors to this website should not act or refrain from acting based upon information and content provided on this website without first consulting legal counsel of their choice.

None of the content on this website will form any part of any contract between Legacy The Duffy Agency or constitute any type of offer. It is specifically understood by visitors that The Duffy Agency owes no duty to any visitors, and The Duffy Agency is released from any claim or element of damage, whether based in contract or tort law, for visitors’ use of this website.

By creating and maintaining this website, The Duffy Agency is not holding itself out as qualified to practice law nor does The Duffy Agency wish to provide legal advice or represent any individual or entity requiring legal services or advice.

Email and Security

Email is generally not a secure form of communication, and the content of any email sent to The Duffy Agency may be intercepted and read by third parties. Therefore, sensitive or confidential information should not be sent via an email message due to the lack of security or procedures in place to prevent tampering or interception. Although we have to provide as secure methods of communication of documentation and information to us, by using this website you acknowledge that the most secure form of communication is in person and that anything other is less secure.

Communication with The Duffy Agency via this website or email, may not be treated as privileged or confidential. The receipt of any such communication will not create any legal right and such communication will not create an attorney-client relationship. Should you wish to have communications confidential between you and The Duffy Agency you should contact our office to make those arrangements which must be confirmed in a signed writing between you and The Duffy Agency.

Title Insurance Calculator

The title insurance premium calculator contained on this website is designed to provide the visitors with an estimate of title insurance premiums. The premiums generated by the calculator are estimates only, and are not guaranteed. These estimates do not take all factors into account, including but not limited to endorsement charges, title examinations and other closing fees. For a final title insurance premium quote, please contact one of our friendly staff members.

Not a Title Commitment

The use of this website or any communications through this website, including email, shall not constitute a binder or title insurance commitment by The Duffy Agency or its underwriters to insure a particular title or titles. A binder or title insurance commitment can only be issued in writing by the issuing of a title commitment number after The Duffy Agency has specifically agreed to handle the transaction and a complete title examination has been completed.

Disclaimer of Endorsement and Links

References to third party, non-affiliated websites, books, products or services as resources are specific suggestions only for convenience and do not constitute or imply an endorsement or recommendation by this company. The Duffy Agency specifically refuses to guarantee or certify the accuracy of information contained on these resources. The beliefs and opinions of the authors of these resources do not necessarily state or reflect the opinions of The Duffy Agency and its staff, and cannot be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. The Duffy Agency specifically disclaims any responsibility for the content or security issues associated with any referenced third party, non-affiliated websites, books, products or services, and the visitors of this website acknowledge that The Duffy Agency does not sponsor, certify or control these third party resources.